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Ungarinyin – J is for Junba


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The book follows the format of a typical English-language alphabet book, A – Z, and includes sounds that are additional to (e.g., rn, rl, rd, ny) and absent from (e.g., c, f, h, k, p, q, 

s, t, v, x, z) Ngarinyin language and orthography. A guide to reading Ngarinyin language is at the end of the book. 


Written by Rona Goonginda Charles, Pansy Ngalgarr Nulgit and Sally Treloyn.

Illustrations by Francis Nunburrngu Divilli.

Transcriptions and Translations by Pansy Ngalgarr Nulgit, Rona Goonginda Charles, Thomas Saunders and Sally Treloyn.

Edited by Sally Treloyn.

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J is for Junba was developed by Rona Goonginda Charles and Sally Treloyn as a resource to support teaching and learning through Junba in Ngarinyin language speaking communities.

Pansy Ngalgarr Nulgit provided Charles and Treloyn with sample sentences in Ngarinyin language for each word in the course of several sessions at Mangkajarda wetlands near Mowanjum. These sample sentences were then transcribed and translated by Pansy Ngalgarr Nulgit, Rona Goonginda Charles, Thomas Saunders and Sally Treloyn with assistance from Matthew Dembalali Martin. Francis Nunburrngu developed illustrations over several months.


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