a b d g i j l m n r t u w y

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THADA-   verb. scoop (with hands). transitive: RA2. Note: DO WITH BODY TO X OVER TIME thada\’ra /she scooped it (with hands). thada\’wurra they scooped it (with hands). Category: Verbs: Impact.

thadi   nominal. grass, burned. Category: Country. [Knight (2/98:p.57)]

THALAMA-   verb. cut in half, divide in half. transitive: RA2. Note: DO WITH BODY TO X OVER TIME thalama\’ra s/he divided it in half. thalama\’wurra they divided it in half. Thalama\’wirrantha, milha ban.ga\’rabiyirrantha. They divided it up, he brought the meat back to the two. Category: Verbs: Impact.

thalanyi   nominal. tongue. Category: Body Parts.

thalangga   nominal. wind. Thalanggangarri garuwa. Windy rain (lit. wind with water). Category: Country.

thalirrgi   nominal. saliva. Category: Gun.gunma, Body Parts.

thamada   nominal. deaf. Category: Describers.

thamali   nominal. mouth almighty. Category: Animals: Fish.

thamani   nominal. blunt. Category: Describers.

THANDAWA-   verb. sit cross-legged. intransitive: RA. Note: DO WITH BODY OVER TIME thandawa\’ray s/he sat cross-legged. thandawa\’wurray they sat cross-legged. Nhunguway wad\’jay man.gulu, thandawa\’ray muway baga\’ray. Her husband would go to the shade, sit cross-legged and then go to sleep. Category: Verbs: State and Change of State.

THANGGALTHA-   verb. quarter, cut up. transitive: RA2. Note: DO WITH BODY TO X OVER TIME thanggaltha\’ra s/he quartered it. thanggaltha\’wurra they quartered it. Wad\’birra thanggaltha\’wirrantha milha. They quartered the meat. Category: Verbs: Impact.

THANYA- (1)   Variant: THANY-. verb. sit, stay, alive, be. intransitive: RA. Note: DO WITH BODY OVER TIME thanya\’ray s/he stayed. thanya\’wurray they stayed. Category: Verbs: State and Change of State, Gun.gunma.

THANYA- (2)   Variant: THANY-. verb. sit, stay, alive, be. intransitive: MAL+NI. Note: DO WITH BODY OVER TIME thanya\’maniy s/he stayed. thanya\’malbudiy they stayed. Category: Verbs: State and Change of State, Gun.gunma.

thanybana   nominal. back, spine. Ganba\’wirrantha thanybanayawu. They followed at his back (behind). Category: Body Parts.

thanybanaway   adverb. back-to-back. e.g. two people sitting back-to-back. [Knight (2/98:p.47)] Category: Describers.

tharra   nominal. dog. Ngarragi ngawungu wad\’jayngarri rawurr\’burra tharra wulungarringarri. My father went with his mob of dogs to look around. Tharraingga wad\’burrantha ganday gurama mulu gamada\’niy. The two dogs took the old man who was blind. Category: Animals: Mammals.

THARRAMAN.GA- (1)   Variant: DARRAMAN.GA-. verb. sit down. intransitive: WU. Note: SOURCE FOCUSSED MOTION tharraman.ga\’waniy s/he sat down. tharraman.ga\’wurraniy they sat down. Note: th or d? Category: Verbs: Motion, Gun.gunma.

THARRAMAN.GA- (2)   Variant: DARRAMAN.GA-. verb. sit down. intransitive: MAL+NI. Note: SOURCE FOCUSSED MOTION tharraman.ga\’maniy s/he sat down. tharraman.ga\’malbudiy they sat down. Note: th or d? Category: Verbs: Motion, Gun.gunma.

THARRGA- (1)   verb. put down, lower. transitive: RA2. Note: DO WITH BODY TO X OVER TIME tharrga\’ra s/he put it down. tharrga\’wurra they put it down. Category: Verbs: Impact.

THARRGA- (2)   verb. stand up. transitive: YHA. Note: CAUSATIVE tharrga\’yha s/he stood it up. tharrga\’wuda they stood it up. Baib tharrga\’yha. He stood the pipe up. Category: Verbs: Impact.

THARRGA- (3)   verb. climb down, get off. intransitve: NI. Note: GOAL FOCUSSED MOTION tharrga\’niy s/he climbed down. tharrga\’wudiy they climbed down. thuthurrga\’niynyangarri rawurra-nali ngarragi ngawungu when my father came down from up there. Category: Verbs: Motion.

THATHARRA-   verb. stop (standing). intransitive: WU. Note: SOURCE FOCUSSED MOTION thatharra\’waniy s/he stopped while standing up. thatharra\’wurraniy they stopped while standing up. Category: Verbs: Motion.

THAWULA-   verb. curl up. e.g. curl up like a snake. transitive: MA2. Note: DO WITH BODY TO X thawula\’ma it curled itself up. thawula\’wurrma they curled themselves up. [Knight (2/98:p.59)] Category: Verbs: State and Change of State.

thawunu   nominal. ant. Wad\’binantha gulmurru\’wunarriyntha, thawunuyuwa wurrga\’windantha. He got them and spewed them up, he put them among the red ants. Category: Animals: Insects and Spiders.

thawuru   nominal. beard. Category: Body Parts.

THAYA-   verb. feed. transitive: RA2. Note: DO WITH BODY TO X OVER TIME thaya\’ra s/he fed him/her. thaya\’wurra they fed him/her. Warranainggamiya thaya\’ra. It was only Eaglehawk that fed him. Buga thaya\’wunbirrantha mamabili biyirrantha. They fed their little kids. Category: Verbs: Impact.

thangani   nominal. mouth, language, story, word, speech. Category: Language. thurranda thangani wulala\’wurrayntha thurranda Wadawiy Jirrin.gin the two of them said two words – Spotted Nightjar mob and Owlet Nightjar mob. Ngarranggani-nhingi thangani ngindaji this is a Dreamtime story. Thurranda thangani wulala\’wurrayntha thurranda – Wadawiy Jirrin.gin. The two of them said two words – Spotted Nightjar mob and Owlet Nightjar mob. Ngarranggani-nhingi thangani ngindaji. This story is from the Dreamtime. Category: Body Parts.

thanggari   nominal. lily plant. Category: Plants. nyirrajiya mayi thanggari this other tucker is lily plant. thanggari lily stem. Wadba\’arrma nyirraji thanggari ngag\’arra. We get that lily plant and we eat it. Category: Food and Cooking.

THIDGA-   verb. choke. e.g. a bone that gets stuck in your throat. transitive: YHA. Note: CAUSATIVE thidga\’yha it choked him/her. thidga\’wuda it choked them. Note: This verb can only have a 3sg or 3nsg subject. That is, it can only be \’it\’ or \’they\’ that do the choking to \’me\’ or \’us\’ or \’them\’. [Knight (2/98:p.55)] Category: Verbs: Impact.

THILA-   verb. knock out. transitive: WU2. Note: BAD EFFECT;SPEARATE/COMBINE thila\’wunu s/he knocked him/her out. thila\’wurrunu they knocked him/her out. [Knight (2/98:p.51)] Category: Verbs: Impact.

thindijali   nominal. fowl, bush. Category: Animals: Birds.

THINGGA- (1)   verb. lay an egg. transitive: RA2. Note: DO WITH BODY TO X OVER TIME thingga\’ra it layed an egg. thingga\’gurra they layed eggs. Category: Verbs: Body Functions.

THINGGA- (2)   verb. expel, birth, give, lay an egg. transitive: WU2. Note: BAD EFFECT;SEPARATE/COMBINE thingga\’wunu she gave birth. thingga\’wurrunu they gave birth. [Knight (Phrases;1/97:34;Words;1/97)] Category: Verbs: Body Functions.

THINGGA- (3)   verb. defecate. intransitive: MAL+NI. Note: GG marker thingga\’maniy s/he defaecated. thingga\’malbudiy they defaecated. Category: Verbs: Body Functions, Gun.gunma.

THINGGA- (4)   verb. expel, defaecate, crap. intransitive: MA. Note: DO WITH BODY thingga\’miy s/he crapped. thingga\’wurrmiy they crapped. [Knight (Phrases;1/97:34;Words;1/97)] Category: Verbs: Body Functions.

thingi   nominal. stone, cooking. Category: Food and Cooking, Artfacts.

THIRRBAGA- (1)   verb. pull out. e.g. cooked meat from a ground oven. transitive: MA2. Note: DO WITH BODY TO X thirrbaga\’ma s/he pulled it out. thirrbaga\’wurrma they pulled it out. Category: Verbs: Impact.

THIRRBAGA- (2)   verb. pull out. e.g. cooked meat from a ground oven. transitive: YHA. Note: TRANSFER thirrbaga\’yha s/he pulled it out. thirrbaga\’wuda they pulled it out. milha thirrbaga\’liyangiyirrangi jambala. I\’m taking out the hot meat for us. Category: Verbs: Impact.

THIRRBA-   verb. snatch, grab. transitive: MA2. Note: DO WITH BODY TO X thirrba\’ma s/he snatched it. thirrba\’wurrma they snatched it. Jirali yininggaya miy, thirrba\’mangarri milha girrgara\’ra. In the past he did it like that, he grabbed the meat and rushed away with it. Category: Verbs: Impact.

THIRRGILA-   verb. wake up. transitive: YHA. Note: CAUSATIVE thirrgila\’yha s/he woke him/her up. thirrgila\’wuda they woke him/her up. thawunuingga thirrgila\’windantha they were woken up by the ants. Thawunuingga thirrgila\’windantha. The mob of ants woke them up. Category: Verbs: Impact.

THIRRIDGA- (1)   Variant: THIRRID-. verb. winnow, peel, strain, separate. transitive: RA2. Note: DO WITH BODY TO X OVER TIME thirrid\’gira s/he winnowed it. thirrid\’gurra they winnowed it. Thirrid\’burrangarri wiyiingga The women would winnow it, and winnow it, and winnow it. Category: Verbs: Impact.

THIRRIDGA- (2)   Variant: THIRRID-. verb. winnow, peel, strain. transitive: WU2. Note: BAD EFFECT;SEPARATE/COMBINE thirridga\’wunu s/he winnowed it. thirridga\’wurrunu they winnowed it. Wirama\’wirrangarri, balarra\’ninyangarri garinyangarri yaninja thirridga\’wirrunungarri. They would gather it, and when the coolamons got full they would winnow it. Category: Verbs: Impact.

thiyila   nominal. tawny frogmouth. Category: Animals: Birds.

thinga   nominal. foot, footprint, track. Category: Body Part. Diyga\’wunbirrarriyngarri thinga, duduga\’wundumangarri thingabinyi. They\’d find footprints, they\’d follow them by their tracks. Category: Animals: general.

THUBAJGA- (1)   Variant: THUBAGA-. verb. push. transitive: RA2. Note: DO WITH BODY TO X OVER TIME thubajga\’ra s/he pushed it. thubajga\’wurra they pushed it. Category: Verbs: Impact.

THUBAJGA- (2)   Variant: THUBAGA-. verb. push aside. push out of the way. transitive: NGARRI. Note: VIEW thubaga\’ngarriy s/he pushed it aside. thubaga\’wurrarriy they pushed it aside. Category: Verbs: Impact.

THUDGA-   verb. pull out and throw. transitive: MA2. Note: DO WITH BODY TO X thudga\’ma s/he pulled it out and chucked it away. thudga\’wurrma they pulled it out and chucked it away. This verb refers to the making a clearing for a camping spot or just for sitting down. Category: Verbs: Impact.

thuninyi   nominal. dust. Category: Country.

thurranda   nominal. two. Biyirri thurranda wiyi, Jiyani-way Wanggura, baga\’wurrayngarri dirra\’niy. He and his two wives, Nightbird and Crow, would sleep until the sun rose. Category: Describers.

thurranda wara\’ra   adverb. fortnight. two weeks literally \’two it is\’. Category: Time and Location. [Knight (2/98:p.31)]

THURRNGURRULGA-   verb. show back, turn away. intransitive: NI. Note: GOAL FOCUSSED MOTION thurrngurrulga\’niy s/he showed back. thurrngurrulga\’wudiy they showed backs. This verb refers to the posture someone takes when they are in disagreement with someone else. To \’show your back\’ is a strong non-verbal statement indicating that you are in disagreement with the other person. [Knight (Phrases:1/97:57)] Category: Verbs: State and Change of State.

thurruwa   nominal. vicious, cheeky (col.) Category: Describers.

THURRU-   verb. bleed. intransitive: RA. Note: DO WITH BODY OVER TIME thurru\’ray s/he bled. thurru\’wurray they bled. [Knight (2/98:p.14)] Category: Verbs: Body Functions.

THURRNGURRULGA-   verb. shows back, turn away. transitive: YHA. Note: TRANSFER thurrngurrulga\’yha s/he showed his/her back. thurrngurrulga\’wuda they showed their backs. This verb refers to the posture someone takes when they are in disagreement with someone else. To \’show your back\’ is a strong non-verbal statement indicating that you are in disagreement with the other person. Category: Verbs: State and Change of State.

THURUGA- (1)   verb. transitive: NGARRI. cover, bury. Note: VIEW thuruga\’ngarriy s/he covered it. thuruga\’wurrarriy they covered it. Category: Verbs: Impact.

THURUGA- (2)   verb. cover, bury. transitive: YHA. Note: TRANSFER thuruga\’yha s/he covered it. thuruga\’wuda they covered it. Darrawayuwa thuruga\’yhangarri yaninja, gilandirri milha. He\’d cover it up in the pit, that big piece of meat. Thuruga\’wiliya ngindaji yiningga. I\’ve got to cover this (damper) like this. Category: Verbs: Impact.

thuthulu   nominal. pheasant coucal. Thuthulu-way Wanggura Thuthulu nhungu biyirrantha Wanggura-way Jiyani Pheasant and Crow Pheasant was husband of Crow and Nightbird. Category: Animals: Birds, Mythology.

THUWAN-   verb. kick. intransitive: MA. Note: DO WITH BODY thuwan\’miynhi s/he kicked him/her. thuwan\’wurrmiynhi they kicked him/her. Category: Verbs: Impact.

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